It has been fascinating living so close to the construction of the new airport road. It is better than a living museum. I really feel like we are a part of the team, supervising the progress made each day as we walk to work or go on other errands. Every day they are undertaking some new task and I suddenly find myself stopped, mesmerized as they build the wall for the underpass,

or start to construct the scaffolding that will support a bridge,

or as the earth shakes under my feet as a road roller drives by,
or as I try to figure out the best way to enter our local supermarket around all the construction equipment.
Of course, it was not as exciting when the only entrance road we knew to our neighborhood suddenly became a huge hole the day our stove and washer were to be delivered.
Luckily for us, they have pushed up the deadline for completion of the road to May 2013 for the 50th anniversary of the African Union. While I am enjoying the lessons on how to build a road, it will also be nice to have a reliable entrance to our neighborhood.
So nice to see the Richard Scarry reference in the title - your fascination with the construction may have its roots in the search for Goldbug :-)